Weekly Drill Message Summer Break

Yep, it’s that time of year again. I’ll be taking a break from the weekly drill messages for the summer. The drill messages will resume with the net on September 5th.

If you need traffic for NBEMS practice, feel free to use any of the previous messages:


Have a great summer!

73, Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Voice Net Manager

Call for NCS Operators

I’ll be putting out the next Weekly Net Control Schedule sometime within the next week or two, and we can always use a few more NCS operators. If you would like to become a part of the NCS rotation, please let me know. CCAR always needs operators with NCS skills, so please consider giving it a shot. If you need more info on what’s involved, just let me know.  

For those already on the NCS roster, no need to reply if you want to continue. You’ll be carried over to the new schedule. Thank you for your continued service.

Thanks & 73,

Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager

CCAR Net Control Schedule for Jan-Jun 2021

The NCS schedule for the next six months is available for download. Thanks to each of you for supporting this effort.
As is my usual practice, I’ll send out a reminder a few days before your scheduled net. Remember to send me a brief net report following the net. A simple list of the callsigns that checked in is all I need to enter the time into AC Connect.
Thanks again

73, Craig WB3GCK

CCAR Net Control Schedule – Jan21-Jun21

CCAR – Call for Net Control Operators


I’ll be putting out the next Weekly Net Control Schedule sometime within the next week or two, and we could use a few more NCS operators. If you would like to become a part of the NCS rotation, please let me know. CCAR always needs operators with NCS skills, so please consider giving it a shot. If you need more info on what’s involved, just let me know.  

For those already on the NCS roster, no need to reply if you want to continue. You’ll be carried over to the new schedule. Thank you for your continued service.

Thanks & 73,

Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager

CCAR Net Control Schedule for Next 3 Months

The NCS schedule for the next six months is available by clicking here. Thanks to each of you for supporting this effort.
As is my usual practice, I’ll send out a reminder a few days before your scheduled net. Remember to send me a brief net report following the net. A simple list of the callsigns that checked in is all I need to enter the time into AC Connect.
Thanks again and have a great week.
73, Craig WB3GCK