Blattae Communicata?
“Cockroaches of Communications”
CCAR members refer to themselves this way because, like the amazing cockroach, our communications survive.

Chester County ARES/RACES (CCAR) provides emergency communications for Chester County Department of Emergency Services (CCDES) from any location within Chester County to locations designated by CCDES. Chester County ARES/RACES also provides communications assistance to other agencies based on coordinated cooperative arrangements with neighboring counties following a request made through CCDES. Registered FCC-licensed amateur radio operators provide 2-way voice and digital communications services on a volunteer basis.
It is the responsibility of individual volunteers to prepare themselves and their personal equipment to provide reliable communications within two hours of activation and be self-sustaining at field assignments for periods up to 72 hours. CCAR provides emergency communications training for its members. CCAR will operate in compliance with the the Chester County Emergency Operations Plan and the Eastern Pennsylvania (EPA) Comms Plan.
For a description of the capabilities and services CCAR has to offer click here.