
Weekly Drill Message for December 7, 2023

A copy of this week’s drill message is available here for download. All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

New NBEMS Videos Available

Several NBEMS training videos have been created by Frank – N3FLL.

These have been uploaded to this website, and are available to view via the “NBEMS” tab. These videos are great tools that allow you to see NBEMS in action, as well as learn how to download, install, and configure the NBEMS suite.

There are a couple more videos coming soon. There are placeholders for them on the web page. They will be uploaded and available as soon as we can get them there.

Weekly Drill Message for November 30, 2023

A copy of this week’s drill message is available here for download. All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Weekly Drill Message for November 16, 2023

A copy of this week’s drill message is available here for download. All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

CCAR November Tech Rally

Sat Nov 11th, 10am Room 042

1. Winlink Theory:

         Why is CCAR now setting up for Winlink

2. Winlink Connections

          For those of you still having problems with the Winlink software, Soundcard setup or over-the-air connections feel free to bring your Winlink setup to the Tech Rally for some hands-on assistance. Please go through the document from Martin link below prior to the Tech Rally. It could answer some of your questions/issues. Winlink Document by Martin KB3PCY click here.

3. Overview of the CCAR Winlink Post Office 

4. Crossover messaging in both directions from Winlink to the CCAR High-Speed Network 

RSVP by Thursday Nov 9th

Weekly Drill Message for November 9, 2023

A copy of this week’s drill message is available here for download. All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Weekly Drill Message for November 2, 2023

A copy of this week’s drill message is available here for download. All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Weekly Drill Message for October 26, 2023

A copy of this week’s drill message is available here for download. All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Weekly Drill Message for October 19, 2022

A copy of this week’s drill message is available here for download. All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Weekly Drill Message for October 12, 2023

A copy of this week’s drill message is available here for download. All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.