
PEMA ACS Activation — 08-04 ISAIAS 08/04/2020

“In support of PEMA’s Activation for Weather, PEMA ACS will operate a net on August 4th from 0800(L) Till 2359(L) 

Eastern and Central area stations are requested to report weather conditions.  Central and Western area stations are requested to monitor the nets and assist net control with any relays of traffic that may be needed. 

The net will track: check in / reports from any amateur radio operator, consisting of Call Sign, real time conditions – Rain Fall Amounts, Wind Speed,  Any Flooding Conditions and stations zip code.

Statewide net: Aug 4th on 3993.5khz starting 0800 local.  Net may move to 5.346.5khz (depending on propagation.)  Central PA stations may check in on Repeater 147.075, +, 123.0
Additionally there will be a partially attended station recording paNBEMS digital reports
on 3583.0khz. See Attached ICS 205 for details. 

Reports can also be sent via winlink express to KB3NIA

PEMA ACS also monitors BRANDMISTER DMR 31420 – PEMA/ACS ARES EmComm 

Email: with any questions.

Thank Your For Your Support

Thank you,
Ham Radio Operators

DMR Code Plugs Available for Download

Thanks to WA3NOA 3 code plugs are available for download. These are for the Charlestown DMR repeater. The models covered are the MD380, MD-UV380, and AT-D878.

These can be downloaded by hovering over Digital Modes then select DMR. Select the code plug you are interested in. It should automatically download (depending on your browser). The file has been zipped to allow upload to the site. The native format of the file is .rdt.

CCAR Net Control Schedule for Next 3 Months

The NCS schedule for the next six months is available by clicking here. Thanks to each of you for supporting this effort.
As is my usual practice, I’ll send out a reminder a few days before your scheduled net. Remember to send me a brief net report following the net. A simple list of the callsigns that checked in is all I need to enter the time into AC Connect.
Thanks again and have a great week.
73, Craig WB3GCK

CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 05/21/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message is available below for download.   All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net, should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

This week’s message, along with a version formatted for flmsg, can also be downloaded using a link provided in the drill message announcement email.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 05/14/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message can be downloaded from the link below.

All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

A version of the message formatted for flmsg is included for NBEMS practice after the net.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Questions regarding this activity can be directed to me at

See you on the Net!

73, Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager

CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 05/07/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message can be downloaded from the link below.

All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

A version of the message formatted for flmsg is included for NBEMS practice after the net.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Questions regarding this activity can be directed to me at

See you on the Net!

73, Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager