CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 09/17/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message is available here for download. All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net, should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

This week’s message, along with a version formatted for flmsg, can also be downloaded using a link provided in the drill message announcement email.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.


CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 9/10/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message is available below for download.   All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net, should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

This week’s message, along with a version formatted for flmsg, can also be downloaded using a link provided in the drill message announcement email.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.


CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 05/21/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message is available below for download.   All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net, should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

This week’s message, along with a version formatted for flmsg, can also be downloaded using a link provided in the drill message announcement email.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 05/14/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message can be downloaded from the link below.

All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

A version of the message formatted for flmsg is included for NBEMS practice after the net.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Questions regarding this activity can be directed to me at

See you on the Net!

73, Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager

CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 05/07/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message can be downloaded from the link below.

All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

A version of the message formatted for flmsg is included for NBEMS practice after the net.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Questions regarding this activity can be directed to me at

See you on the Net!

73, Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager

CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 04/30/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message can be downloaded from the the link below.

All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

A version of the message formatted for flmsg is included for NBEMS practice after the net.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Questions regarding this activity can be directed to me at

See you on the Net!

73, Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager

CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 04/23/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message can be downloaded from the link below.

All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

A version of the message formatted for flmsg is included for NBEMS practice after the net.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Questions regarding this activity can be directed to me at

See you on the Net!

73, Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager

CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 04/16/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:

All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

A version of the message formatted for flmsg is included for NBEMS practice after the net.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Questions regarding this activity can be directed to me at

See you on the Net!

73, Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager


CCAR Weekly Drill Message for 04/9/2020

A copy of this week’s drill message can be downloaded from the the link below.

All members checking into the CCAR Weekly Information Net should download a copy of the weekly drill message in advance and be prepared to transmit the message if called upon by the Net Control Station. A “scripted” version of the message is included for your reference.

A version of the message formatted for flmsg is included for NBEMS practice after the net.

The handling of formal message traffic is a basic skill we all need to have as emergency communicators. Your participation in this weekly training activity will help to keep your message handling skills sharp.

Questions regarding this activity can be directed to me at

See you on the Net!

73, Craig WB3GCK
CCAR Net Manager

