French Creek Iron Tour 2024

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Contact Andrew KA2DDO for more info:

Hi Andrew,

French & Pickering has started its preparations for the 2024 French Creek Iron Tour which will be on Sunday, June 9, again at the Kimberton Fairgrounds.

CCAR is a very important part of the day for the safety of our riders. Would you be able to once again provide your services that day? I don’t foresee many if any changes to the routes, and the timeline will stay very similar to what it has been for years.

As you might know, Kersten is no longer with French & Pickering. Please communicate with me, and when we have a new Director of Development onboard, I’ll loop them into our emails.

When we get closer to the date, we’ll want to get the t-shirt sizes of your team members.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope our long streak of working together will continue.

Thank you.

Jen Trachtman